Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Burmese Buddhist Monks #B028-2




Bell Gallery Lacquerware Gallery Buddhist Monks Gallery


Antique Buddha Sculpture, Buddha Statues, Buddha Images and ArtAntique Buddha Scuture Buddha Statues Buddha Images


Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Burmese Buddhist Monks #B028-2

......Premier online dealers in Antique Buddha Statues.........

Antique Buddha Sculpture , Buddha Statues , Buddha Images and Art





Wood Monks Buddhist Monk Burmese Monk Thai Monk








Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Burmese Buddhist Monks #B028-2





Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Burmese Buddhist Monks #B028-2





Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Burmese Buddhist Monks #B028-2





Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Burmese Buddhist Monks #B028-2

Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Thai Buddhist Monks #CH204

Thai Buddhist monk/s usually found in pairs and placed either side of a central Buddha image.

Extremely rare, good condition, some possible cleaning / restoration, expected day to day wear (see photos)

Fantastic Set 19C Bronze Burmese Buddhist Monks #B028-2


HEIGHT IN INCHES: 87cm / 82cm / 81cm / 81cm

WIDTH IN INCHES: 26cm / 27cm / 27cm / 27cm

DEEP IN INCHES: 19cm / 19cm / 18cm / 18cm

WEIGHT IN KILOS: Over 40klg.

PRICE: US$9,000.00



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