
Thaibuddha Rattanakosinbuddha #buddha #buddhas 3antiquebuddha #antiquebuddhas



Bronze Thai Buddha Gallery Website Online


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19C Bronze Rattanakosin Thai Buddha # LA001





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Early 19C Bronze Rattanakosin Thai Buddha # LA001



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DESCRIPTION:Buddha sitting with one leg folded over the other, with his right hand on the knee and the left in his lap (Virasana and the Bhumisparsa mudra).

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Usually interpreted as the Buddha calling the earth to witness his good deeds in front of Mara

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PERIOD: Early 19th century
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Rattanakosin, Thailand

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RARITY AND CONDITION:Extremely rare, good condition, some possible cleaning / restoration,
expected day to day wear (see photos)

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WIDTH / LENGTH: 29" (73CM) / DEEP: 16" (40CM
WEIGHT IN KILOS: Over 15klg.

PROVENANCE: Acquired from a Thai collector
EVALUATION APPRAISAL: An imposing piece with very strong presence
.A very impressive, almost museum quality piece, with stunning workmanship and beautiful detail. Some natural wear and tear but still exceptional.One of the rarest pieces on sale at present

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Price: US$12,000.00

To order or check availability please email us by clicking here